While the basic split arcade drive does work, we'll show you a small addition to the code that can make the driving experience more intuitive. This code simply adjusts the turns to be more intense when the robot is going faster.
void driveCode() {
//drives the robot around based on controller input, double arcade controls
//First, get controller inputs
int straight = Controller1.Axis3.value(); //gives a number -100 to 100
int turn = Controller1.Axis1.value();
//adjust the turn variable based on the straight one
if (forward1 > 50) {
turn *= (((forward1 - 50) / 50) + 1);
} else if (forward1 < -50) {
turn *= (((-50 - forward1) / 50) + 1);
//Calculate proper motor powers
int left = straight + turn * 0.7; //the 0.7 makes the turns less intense
int right = straight - turn * 0.7;
//Spin the drive motors at the calculated velocity
Left1.spin(forward, left, percent);
Left2.spin(forward, left, percent);
Left3.spin(forward, left, percent);
Right1.spin(forward, right, percent);
Right2.spin(forward, right, percent);
Right3.spin(forward, right, percent);